Kevin James Landscape, Inc.
Quietly Landscaping Charlotte's Finest Properties
Watering Instructions
Watering Instructions
Initial Shock Period: First thirty days transplanting/planting
Plants transplanted between May 1 and September 30
Every day for the first 3 days
Every other day for 10 days
Twice per week for 2 weeks
Every 3 days for 2 weeks
Plants transplanted between October 1 and April 30
Every 3 days for 2 weeks
Twice per week for 2 weeks
Establishment Period: First growing season (April-October)
Normal weather conditions (temperature under 90 degrees with occasional rain). Once per week
Drought conditions (temperature reaching or exceeding 90 degrees with no rain). Twice per week
Sustainment Period: Second and third growing seasons
Normal weather conditions. Every 2 or 3 weeks
Drought conditions. Every 1 to 2 weeks
NOTE: Sufficient watering is achieved on trees and larger shrubs by filling the water saucer around each plant twice per application. To water smaller plants, count to ten for each foot of height (example: 3 foot plant would receive water for a 30 count).